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      Current: Rabbinical student at Hebrew College Rabbinical School, with a focus on chaplaincy and interfaith work.
      Seasoned print and online editor and writer, specializing in food, travel, and health.

  • Rabbinic Intern, Congregation Shirat Hayam, Swampscott, MA. Lead traditional shacharit services monthly and a “Nosh and Drash” discussion on the weekly Torah portion. Am also the acting rabbi during the rabbi’s month-long sabbaticals in December 2024 and February 2025. Duties include co-leading a Renewal shacharit service and traditional Conservative Torah and musaf services, sharing kavanot on the prayers, and delivering sermons. (September 2024–present)

  • Rabbinic Intern, 2Life Communities, Boston, MA. This affordable residential senior living organization has several campuses. I work weekly at two, teaching classes, offering pastoral care, and leading Friday night services. (August 2024–present) 

  • Student Rabbi, Congregation Beth Shalom and Texas A & M Hillel, College Station/Bryan, TX. Worked as the High Holiday rabbi. Prepared and led Reform services with a cantorial team for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Shabbat Shuvah. Also offered classes and pastoral care. (October 2024)

  • Spiritual Counselor Intern, Beit T’Shuvah, Los Angeles, CA. Chaplaincy internship at this residential addiction recovery program. During the summers of 2023 and 2024 I offered individual spiritual counseling sessions, led group sessions based on Torah text, led Shabbat services, and taught a class exploring the blessings of the daily Amidah prayer. During summer 2024 I also received a third Clinical Pastoral Education credit as part of my internship. I continue to offer spiritual counseling sessions to BTS clients remotely during the school year. (June 2023–present)    

  • Co-Founder and Member, Super Sonic Tefillah Group, Hebrew College, Newton, MA. This prayer group meets Monday mornings for shacharit during the academic year. Using the traditional services as a base, we explore prayer in all its sonic glory, from the ra’ash gadol (loud noise) to the kol d’mama daka (still small voice), following the experience of the vibrations of prayer words, prayer tones, and prayer thoughts as they move from page to mouth to heart. Sonic can mean poetry, sonic can mean rhythm, sonic can mean music, sonic can mean discord. We aim to focus on these elements in both traditional and experimental ways to connect with ourselves, with each other, with God, the room, the space, and the moment. I send a weekly email with commentary on the current Torah portion. (September 2021–present)

  • Student Rabbi, Or HaTzafon, Fairbanks, AK. Worked as the High Holy Days leader for this Reform community in 2022 and 2023. Duties included designing and leading services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, reading Torah and haftarah, and giving sermons. Also offered study sessions and led Shabbat services. (September–October 2022, September 2023)

  • Rabbinic Intern, The Boston Synagogue, Boston, MA. I led Friday night and Saturday morning services, including reading Torah and leading discussions on the weekly portion. (September 2022–May 2023)

  • Chaplain Intern, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA. Completed Level 1b Clinical Pastoral Education program at the country’s top-rated psychiatric hospital. Work included daily rounds as a chaplain offering spiritual support to patients of diverse faiths and mental health concerns. My units included patients with substance use disorders and geriatric patients with diagnoses including depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorder, psychosis, and dementia. (Summer 2022)

  • Chaplain Intern, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA. Completed Level 1a Clinical Pastoral Education program at New England’s largest safety-net hospital. Work included daily rounds as a chaplain offering spiritual support to patients of diverse faiths and health concerns, including addiction, chronic illnesses, gunshot wounds, cardiac disease, and surgery recovery. Also offered support to dying patients and their families. (Summer 2021)

  • Fellow, AIPAC Leffell Israel Fellowship. A one-year program for rabbinical students from several rabbinical schools, exploring “the nuances of the U.S.-Israel relationship.” Our cohort of 15 meets monthly for zoom sessions with guest lecturers, and will spend time in Israel. (September 2024–present)

  • Certification Recipient, Resetting the Table’s Facilitation Across Differences Training for Rabbinical Students. Multi-session intensive training on facilitating meaningful conversations and developing communication and intervention skills regarding Israel/Palestine, political differences, and other concerns in Jewish life. (May 2024)

  • Certification Recipient, iFellows Conflicts of Interest Program, 3rd Cohort. A multi-session intensive offered by the iCenter offering pedagogical content regarding the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, including case studies, voices from multiple perspectives, and processing discussions. (January–February 2024)

  • Fellow, Sinai Temple Israel Center Rabbinical School Fellowship, a one-year program for rabbinical students exploring the question, “What is the meaning of a Jewish homeland?” The fellowship included lectures, research projects, and time spent in Israel. (January 2023–January 2024)

  • Chair of Israel/Palestine Committee, Hebrew College, Newton, MA. Helmed this committee that brings awareness of and discussions about Israel and Palestine to the rabbinical school community, including event planning. (September 2022–May 2023)

  • Recipient, iFellows Master’s Concentration in Israel Education, 12th cohort. A one-year fellowship program run by the iCenter convening students from a spectrum of graduate institutions. We explored the role of Israel in contemporary Jewish life, working to shape the future of Israel education. (May 2022–May 2223)

  • Interreligious Spiritual Direction Group participant, a joint endeavor with Hebrew College rabbinical students and Boston University theology students. We explored the practice of Spiritual Direction, which highlights the sacred in our daily lives. Led by Dr. Roslyn G. Weiner, author of Seeking in the Company of Others – The Wisdom of Group Spiritual Direction. (October 2021–June 2023)

  • MyZuzah Fellowship, This organization offers free mezuzahs to any Jewish home. As a Fellow, I facilitated online mezuzah dedication ceremonies. (Fall 2021–Summer 2022)

  • Mayyim Rabbim, a student clergy fellowship of Mayyim Hayyim Living Waters Community Mikveh. Fellows met monthly to explore rituals and traditions of the mikveh and how to incorporate it into our rabbinate. (Fall 2021–Spring 2022)

  • Ritual Committee, Temple Beth Shalom, Cambridge, MA. Meet regularly to determine synagogue ritual policies. (2018–present)

  • Event Planner and Board Member, National Havurah Committee. Member of three-person planning team in 2017 and 2018, organizing the week-long NHC Summer Institute, a spiritual multi-generational study retreat for 350 attendees. Edited the 50-page program guide. As a Board member, served on the volunteer recruitment committee. (2017–2022)

  • Taste of the Seacoast, Portsmouth, NH. Editor for semi-annual print magazine covering dining out, entertaining, and travel in coastal New England, with chef recipes. (2010–2020)

  • Editorial consultant, editing a range of material, including nonfiction books, book proposals, short stories, novels, and academic papers. (2013–2020)

  • Chasing Social Justice: How Do We Advance the Work that Matters Most? By Laurie Sherman. Edited initial drafts of this powerful book by a former policy advisor to Boston Mayor Thomas Menino. (2018)

  • fresh, Boston, MA. Food editor for award-winning bimonthly cooking magazine, published for and sold in Hannaford supermarkets. Determined content, assigned articles, oversaw recipe development and testing, and edited 1,600–plus recipes over 10 years. Coordinated annual recipe contest. (2005–2015)

  • Freelance contributor to many publications, including The Boston Globe, Yankee, Cooking Light, Boston Magazine,, Cook’s Illustrated, USA Today, Natural Health, among others. (1992–present)

  • Culinary Tea (Running Press, 2010). Co-author with Cynthia Gold of this book on cooking with tea.

  • How to Keep Kosher: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Jewish Dietary Laws (William Morrow Books, 2004). Finalist, National Jewish Book Awards.

  • Pasta Pronto! (HPBooks, 1997). Electric pasta machine cookbook.

  • The Boston Food Lover (Addison-Wesley, 1996). Local best-seller, a guide to non-restaurant food sources.


  • Product Developer, GrandyOrganics, an organic granola company in Maine. Created Coffee Crunch Coconola, a grain-free granola that won the 2018 Best New Product: Granola/Cereal Sofi Award from the Specialty Food Association.

  • Television: Guest appearances as a food expert on shows including CBS This Morning, New England Cable News’ TV Diner, Lifetime Television’s The Main Ingredient, WGBH’s One Guest, Chronicle Newsmagazine on WCRB-TV, and The Food Network.

   Hebrew College Rabbinical School, Newton, Massachusetts, anticipated ordination 2026

   Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Israel, October 2023–January 2024

   B.A. Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, double major in English and Studio Art








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